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Chaos to Clarity

· Through the Creative Block: A Journey of Rediscovery ·

Jan, 03, 2024
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Is anyone else out there caught in a whirlwind of relentless determination? Let me share my journey with you. I found myself in quite the entrepreneurial slump, my mind inundated with ideas pouring in like a tsunami. Some nights, I couldn’t sleep until I’d jotted down every brilliant thought, only to find myself awake moments later, struck by even more dazzling inspiration. This is where my little conundrum began.

You see, I was overflowing with passion and energy, yet I couldn’t quite figure out how to turn these magnificent ideas into action, and those actions into sales. I was utterly stuck. It was baffling, really. Why was it so challenging to do what I seemingly loved to do? I adore crafting content, whipping up culinary delights in the kitchen, and baking scrumptious creations. All these marvelous ideas swirled in my mind, but they remained trapped on paper as little more than random notes. It was frustrating; I began to wonder if I might have adult ADHD because I simply couldn’t connect the dots from start to finish. There was a vast gap, and I couldn’t fathom how to construct the bridge.

Then, one day, I made a life-altering decision. I decided to stop the struggle. I had sought advice, collected tips, and sought inspiration everywhere I could. But the missing piece was allowing myself to step back, to take a breather, to detach from the hustle and bustle of my business and personal life. I needed that moment of solitude to gather my thoughts, to let them sink into my brain, my body, and my spirit, and to discern the way forward.

I can’t quite put my finger on what I realized during that time, but it provided the opportunity to just breathe, to prioritize what truly mattered, to tackle it, and then return to the other tasks. Prioritize, complete, and repeat. It started to flow naturally, without any forced effort. You see, trying too hard was part of my problem; it made everything feel artificial, far from genuine. The most significant realization for me was to reintroduce myself, Michelle Vine Walters, to every single endeavor. I needed to be wholly present and genuine in everything I did.

Now, I feel like I’m emerging from that “push through” phase. I’m still within it, but I can see the triumph waiting at the end of the trials. Everything is starting to fit together seamlessly, and I’m no longer stuck in that stagnant place. My brain processes things at a natural pace, and it feels like I’m pulling everything together.

I’m deeply grateful for this period, as I know that when I eventually conquer this challenging phase, I’ll look back and appreciate the growth it brought. It will make everything I’m currently experiencing all the more meaningful. So, if you find yourself deep in your own “push through” phase, keep going. Whether you want to call it labor pains or trials, what you are birthing will be extraordinary and astonishing. When you look back, you’ll marvel at how you made it through, and it will all be worth it.

Michelle Vine Walters

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