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How to Create A Sustainable Approach to Social Media

· Upgrade your strategy in 2024 ·

May, 06, 2024
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Oh, goodness gracious, what a whirlwind of a year it’s been! If life were a rollercoaster, I think I’d be clinging on for dear life at this point. Picture this: juggling personal and professional woes like a circus performer with too many plates spinning. My business? Well, let’s just say it was doing the limbo under the bar of success. I even had to take on a part-time gig at Home Goods. No offense to the lovely folks there, but it’s not exactly my dream job. And there I was, feeling like I’d stumbled into the wrong play in life’s theater, acting out the role of a part-time retail worker at the dazzling age of 44.

To add some spice to the mix, my oldest decided he needed a change of scenery and packed his bags for his dad’s house. Communication? It’s on the mend but he is a teenager after all. You’ll still find me cheering him on at his games, drama or no drama. As if that weren’t enough, my spiritual journey took a detour through Doubtville, leaving me questioning my capabilities. I even saw my accomplishments as mediocre and unworthy of recognition. 

My life felt like it was doing a nosedive into chaos, and I was just along for the ride, clutching onto my sanity like a lifeline. You name it, I was a mess at it. Homekeeping? Forget about it. Marriage and parenting? Let’s just say there were some rough patches. Honestly, I was ready to throw in the towel and disappear into the sunset.

So, what’s a worn-out soul to do? Take a breather, that’s what. I decided to hit the pause button, step off the merry-go-round of chaos, and give myself some room to breathe. But wouldn’t you know it, when I tried to jump back in, it was like déjà vu all over again? Turns out, a fresh coat of paint doesn’t change the scenery if you’re still stuck in the same dilapidated room.

Life became a blur, a haze of zombie-like routines and robotic motions. Wake up, shuffle through the day, rinse, repeat. I knew I couldn’t keep living on autopilot, but fear of making things worse kept me glued to the spot. It wasn’t until recently, in a stroke of boredom, that I stumbled upon a lifeline in the form of a Vanessa Lau video.

Vanessa talked about this book called “The 12 Week Year” and the value of focusing on one thing at a time. It was like a lightbulb flickering to life in the attic of my mind. I’d been trying to juggle too many balls at once, and surprise, surprise, they all came crashing down. I realized I’d been barking up the wrong tree, setting goals I had as much control over as a leaf in the wind. Bear with me as I explain: For instance, I wanted to make a certain amount of money with my Etsy shop. While that’s a wonderful goal to have, I cannot control the spending habits of another human being. I can optimize my shop with images and wording and even social media promotions but at the end of the day, I cannot control someone else’s wallet. Another goal is to have a certain amount of followers within a certain amount of time on different platforms. Again, I cannot control algorithms, I cannot control someone liking my content and then deciding they want to follow me. So from this, I learned I’m not doing anything wrong I’m simply focusing on the wrong thing. 

Here’s the remedy: action-based results. Instead of spreading myself thin like butter over too much bread, I decided to hone in on what really mattered. Social media? Yeah, it’s a tool, not the whole darn toolbox. I’d been chasing likes and followers like a dog after its tail, forgetting that quality beats quantity any day. 

So, I waved goodbye to the social media whirlwind and focused my energies where they truly belonged: YouTube and my blog. Turns out, less is more, and it feels good to pour my heart and soul into something meaningful again. No more throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping it sticks. It’s time to create with purpose, not just for the sake of ticking boxes. It’s like a weight’s been lifted off my shoulders. The pressure’s eased, and I’m back in the creative saddle, riding high on a wave of newfound clarity. 

Before we go, I’d like to briefly show you my process and how I manage an Action-based scorecard both personally and professionally. Watch below👇🏽I will also include Vanessa Lau’s video and other writings in the post notes below.

So here’s to taking life one step at a time, focusing on what truly matters, and finding joy in the journey, mess and all. Cheers to that!

Vanessa Lau👇🏽

Michelle Vine Walters

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