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How to reduce stress in four simple steps

· Doing the best with what you got ·

Jul, 26, 2024
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It’s safe to say we could benefit from a how-to-reduce-stress moment daily. With the rigmarole of the day-to-day routine, stress is bound to show its unnerving face. Negative stress can keep you from feeling and performing at your best. Since no one is without stress, it’s important to learn ways to manage and keep it from affecting you mentally, physically, and emotionally. Here are 4 tips for reducing stress and finding a much calmer and more productive way of life.

4 Tips For Reducing Stress

Number 1: At Night.

Have you ever noticed how most (emphasis on most) children fall asleep during the bedtime story? There is an unwinding factor to ending the day with a good read. This same notion applies to the overworked adult. If you are kept awake at night by the lingering thoughts from your day or the day to come: Try this.

  • First: Turn off and remove all electronic devices from the immediate area. This includes devices used for reading. Studies indicate a breather from screen time before bed can improve the quality of sleep. 
  • Second: Prep your nightstand with actual printed content, i.e. books or magazines.
  • Third: Once you begin to feel sleepy, allow yourself to fall asleep. Do not force yourself to finish the chapter or even the page -this is self-sabotage.

A good night’s rest will equip you with the mental and physical energy needed to tackle the incoming stressors of the day ahead.

Number 2: Your Diet.

I’ve never been a dieter; however, I do listen to my body and proceed accordingly.  The days of eating heavily before bed or devouring a gourmet burger, fries, and a shake are long gone. On the other hand, I don’t deprive myself either. The key is “everything in moderation”.  For starters, I don’t eat anything after 7:30 pm. Second, I try to eat a variety of whole foods. Third, I hydrate, often. Or at least I attempt.   I’m not going to tell you to hang in there or stick with it because I don’t diet. I will tell you to listen to your body and make better choices. You know your limitations. If you want that burrito, get it, but maybe only eat half. My point is don’t get stressed out about keeping within an unrealistic calorie count. It’s better to miss a diet day and pick up where you left off than to become a hangry person preying on every edible in sight. 

Number 3: Evening Rush.

In my 9-5 days the afternoon traffic was literally the bain of my existence (if you live in the Seattle area you feel me). Hurrying to get the children; get home; prepare dinner; and bedtime routine, it was all too much. Now, even as a stay-at-home momma, not much has changed. I’ve learned to create time in my day for transition. It’s easier to go from working mom to after-school mom when I take a few moments to prepare mentally. If you need a mental reset: Try this.

  • On your traffic-infested ride home listen to a podcast, or audiobook, or sing your playlist at the top of your lungs.
  • If you’re a valet mom, arrive a few minutes early and use that time to do the above or just breathe and relax.
  • Make it a house rule. Let all parties know when you get home the first 15-20 minutes are yours only. Go in your room close the door and do you Boo.

BONUS TIP: When you’ve been dealing with the shenanigans and goings-on of children all afternoon and evening, the last thing you want to do is have sex. If you’re in agreeance: Try this.

  • Give yourself some more time. So what if you spent 20 minutes alone 2 hours ago. If you need a transitional period between every phase of life, take it. It is much more enjoyable to please your spouse when you take a moment to move from maternal bonds to matrimonial bonds. Let’s face it, good sex may not be the cure-all to stress but it’s a helluva start.  

Number 4: The Workout.

I don’t have a set routine or time when it comes to working out. There are days when I can get a good sesh in after getting the boys to school. On other days, I may not work out until 6 pm. The goal is to just get it in.  The plus side to working out is how I feel after. I seem to have more energy throughout the day and an overall more positive attitude. During my workout, the focus is 100% on the moment. I’m not worried about getting my children’s projects or the day’s to-do list. If working out is the last thing on your mind but you know you should: Try this.

  • If you work out in the morning, sleep in clean workout clothes with your sneakers by the bed. Two fewer things to worry about.
  • Keep a glass of water by the bedside and drink it first thing in the morning. This will actually give you a boost.
  • If you’re an after-work gym-goer, take a dance class, or something fun to get your blood flowing. 
  • If you prefer a solo workout, try interval training. You push yourself hard for a few minutes at a time with easy reps in between. It’s quick and effective.      

The takeaway from all of this is: Ish happens. How you deal with it will determine the aftermath. If you miss a workout add an extra interval to the next session. Cheated on your diet, get back on track the next day. Don’t allow yourself to be pulled into the muddy undertow of negative reactions. If you’re doing the best that you can, that’s all you can do. Job well done my friend!


October 19, 2024

Michelle Vine Walters

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