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How to Grown Your Audience

· Let Go of the "Niche" ·

Jan, 07, 2023
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Are You Making the “Finding a Niche” Mistake? Let’s Chat!

Hey there, fellow business enthusiast! Have you ever heard the advice to “find your niche” thrown around like confetti at a celebration? It’s a common mantra in the world of YouTubers and blog gurus. But, hold on a second, is it always the right move? Let’s have a friendly chat about it because we believe there’s more to the story.

Why “Finding a Niche” Can Be Tricky

At first glance, “finding a niche” might seem like the golden ticket to success. After all, why not carve out a cozy little corner in a market and dominate it? It sounds pretty reasonable, right? Well, here’s the thing – it’s not always the best idea.

Why, you ask? Because people change. As we journey through life, our passions, needs, wants, and even our dislikes evolve. So, locking yourself into a super-specific niche can actually limit your business’s growth potential.

How Does It Limit Growth?

When business owners dive headfirst into a niche, they often end up in one of two scenarios:

  1. They focus so much on the niche that they paint themselves into a corner with a super-specific demographic, like single moms of toddlers looking to start an e-commerce venture.
  2. They opt for a broad audience with no real specifics, like “Millennial women.”

Here’s the catch: What happens when those toddlers grow up? Or on the other end, Mellineals are currently between the ages of 24-39. Chances are women in those age groups have vastly different needs. The risk is that your business model becomes too rigid or your audience base is so broad that you end up reaching no one effectively. Both of these situations can spell trouble for your business.

How to Navigate the Maze

So, what’s the solution? Well, it’s all about Audience Segmentation! While both of the scenarios above are using a form of segmentation (Demographic Profile), it’s crucial to dive deeper into Psychographics.

Demographics cover the basics like age, ethnicity, gender, income, and location – valuable info for building your ideal client base. But when it comes to truly connecting with your audience, psychographics is where the magic happens. Dive into their motivations, priorities, habits, and beliefs to get a deeper understanding of who they are.

A Journey Through Emotions

Remember, emotions are the driving force behind our purchasing decisions. Think about the last time you bought something. It wasn’t just about the item; it was about the whole experience – how it made you feel. Emotions are the secret sauce in marketing.

Luxury brands, for example, make us feel excellent, proud, and elite. Social media apps tap into our need to socialize and expand our networks. As a marketer, your goal is to present a product but sell an experience.

What’s the Takeaway?

While finding a niche can be helpful, it’s often better to create a brand message that triggers an emotional response. Forget focusing solely on single moms or Millennial women. Instead, tap into what genuinely resonates with you. Whether it’s cooking, painting, or everyday inspiration, let your passion guide your content.

The key isn’t just creating for the sake of followers; it’s about capturing your audience’s raw attention, hooking them, and keeping them invested in your journey. Let it happen organically, and who knows where your unique path may lead!

In the beginning, create freely from what speaks to you, and see where the adventure takes you. Your audience will follow because they connect with your genuine passion and authenticity. So go ahead, start inspiring, and let your story unfold naturally!

Check out this post for a deeper dive into Audience Segmentation and Marketing.

Michelle Vine Walters

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