

Hello and Welcome!

Michelle Vine Walters +Co. is an online destination where confidence and cocktails meet ambition and design. I’m on a mission to inspire ladies from all walks of life to turn their grandest ideas into the reality of their dreams (or at the very least, host a stellar gathering). I believe we all possess something special the world needs to see and hear; however, unlocking your gift can be challenging. No worries, I’m here to assist.

Please understand, that the one constant truth on this journey is that there is no secret formula. Success is a habit curated by routine and consistency. You have the ability to deeply affect your destiny, but you must take action. If you’re ready to create a life you love, please join me!

What We’ll Do Together

  • Define our own passions and successes through specific and meaningful engagement with each other.
  • Place focus on our personal strengths and assets instead of obsessing over our weaknesses and failures.
  • Develop healthy, sustainable routines for both our personal and professional lives.
  • Overcome negative thinking and self-deflating criticism by building a network of inspiring, supportive like-minded women.
  • Create genuine relationships, experiences, and opportunities that will forever change our lives and possibly the world.
  • Embrace the adventure.

I’m here to help you succeed as well as grow in my own right. Who am I?

My Name Is Michelle (Elle) Vine Walters.

How I got here.

Disclaimer: I’m no scholar in the art of entrepreneurship. I also dislike writing about me pages.

After a few failed attempts at both corporate and entrepreneurial success, I came to the realization the picture I was painting had been altered by someone else’s vision. I’m fueled by a multitude of passions that make it difficult to operate within the confines of the traditional workplace setting. Even as an entrepreneur, I often adjusted my own creative approach to fall in line with a common blueprint drafted for an elemental audience. Basically, what I’m saying is that I tried to accomplish my goals by being someone else. My mind does not process information in a conventional manner which left me feeling isolated and misunderstood. However, once I embraced my unique combination of brain waves I began to see my way of thinking as an advantage, not a burden. 

Although my bakery delivery service wasn’t actually failing, I was no longer enamored with my cozy start-up. The pressure to constantly create delicious seasonal flavors along with the ever-changing state regulations, proved to be too much. What was once a joyful hobby became an overwhelming liability. So I gracefully let it go.

When one door closes.

During my stint as a baker extraordinaire, I received several inquiries about my web design and branding. It was obvious -not only to myself but to my audience- that I had a keen eye for design. I’ve since been asked to design websites for bloggers and small business owners: Create marketing materials for local organizations: Help my church family build their social media presence, and mentor other go-getters on their journey to define what success looks like for them.

This Brings Me Back To YOU!

No matter where you are on your business-life journey, your gifted approach will be the defining element for success. My goal is to inspire you to get a message out to the world like it’s never been heard before. The format is simple, I publish regular content on the blog, including how-tos, advice, and tips, as well as uplifting posts to keep you encouraged. Thanks to my multi-passionate mind there will be recipes for deliciously delightful treats and even a little shopping because all work and no play make a game-changer a dull girl.

So if any of this sounds like the bee’s knees, I ask that you step out on Faith and give MVW+Co a try. Take a moment (if you haven’t already) to subscribe below for all the up-to-date fabulousness that is to come. I look forward to building with you!