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Simple Cleaning Methods for the Overwhelmed Procrastinator

· Master cleaning tips for busy women! ·

May, 06, 2024
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Hey there, lovelies! Let’s dive into a topic near and dear to my heart: cleaning. Now, I’ll be the first to admit it – I’m a bit of a lazy gal at heart. If I could spend all day lounging in bed, you bet I would! But alas, life calls for a bit more hustle than that.

You see, I’ve had my fair share of challenges, including a serious accident that resulted in a traumatic brain injury. It’s left me with some cognitive hurdles to jump over – think memory loss, trouble concentrating, and piecing things together. So, to keep myself on track, I’ve become a master of structure and planning. And today, I want to share a peek into how I tackle the chore monster that is cleaning.

First up, let’s talk Time Blocks. Picture this: a blissful three-and-a-half-hour chunk dedicated solely to cleaning. Within that, I slice and dice my tasks into Micro-blocks, each with its own timer set for around 45 minutes. Whether it’s scrubbing the kitchen or fluffing up the living room pillows, I dive in with gusto until that timer dings. Then, it’s onto the next task, even if the first isn’t quite finished. Trust me, it’s a game-changer for us easily overwhelmed gals. And here’s a little pro tip: keep those Micro-blocks short and sweet to stay on track and avoid overwhelm.

Now, onto option two: the weekday warrior approach. I’ve divvied up my chores Monday through Friday, leaving my precious weekends blissfully chore-free. Mondays are for kitchen wizardry, Tuesdays tackle the laundry beast, and so on until every nook and cranny sparkles.

As for why I choose one method over the other? Well, it all depends on the week ahead and what my schedule looks like. Sometimes, the structured time blocks reign supreme for efficiency’s sake. Other times, the weekday breakdown feels like a breath of fresh air.

And hey, if you’re curious about how I wrangle all aspects of life into my planning system, from work to personal stuff, I’ve got you covered. Just click on that little thumbnail in the post notes below labeled “The Ultimate Checklist” for a detailed peek behind the curtain.

Thanks a bunch for swinging by, y’all! Your support means the world. Drop a comment, share the love, or hang out with me on social – all the links you need are down below. Cheers to tackling life, one chore at a time!

Laptop on a desk with a text overly THE ULTIMATE CHECKLIST

Michelle Vine Walters

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