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Organize Your Life One Day at A Time

· Goal Getter ·

May, 10, 2023
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Many women feel overwhelmed by the demands of the daily grind. Too often we allow ourselves to be pulled in several directions simply because we are not adequately prepared for the day. You wake up and suddenly it seems the morning has gotten away from you. Immediately you shift into overdrive in order to keep everything on schedule. By default, you’ve created an uncontrolled atmosphere that will shape your day and the next.

In this post, we will focus on a basic structure for creating mornings with purpose in four simple steps. Once you have the foundation you can go about your day with ease.

One: Plan The Perfect Day.

In order to take on the day, you need to plan ahead. The night before, write down everything you would like to accomplish the next day. This list should be a vision of your perfect day. Include people you would like to see or speak to. Write down the absolute must-dos and routines for the upcoming day.  Be sure to add in time for yourself, like going to the gym or even reading a book. Take this time to brainstorm what would truly add value and leave you feeling satisfied by the end of your day.

Two: Goal Digging.

Look at your perfect day and decide: What can you accomplish with the time and resources you will have available today? This question will put into perspective which ideas you can really move forward with during your day.

Three: Schedule Your Day.

Be intentional. Divide your time by morning, afternoon, evening, and night then fill in the sections with items from step two. You can also structure your day by the hour. This is your schedule so arrange it in a manner that works best for you. Tip: Create a Top 3 – 5 section for items that must be completed before the day’s end.  

Four: Stick To The Plan.

It’s easy to let things fall by the wayside but challenge yourself to stay the course. Choose a couple of times throughout the day to review your progress. Focus on getting your top items out of the way and applaud yourself as you do so. The goal is to condition yourself for success. If a celebratory cookie keeps you motivated, then by all means have at it.

Keep This In Mind:

No matter how you go about setting up your day, the best thing you can do is design a morning routine. It is so easy for the morning to slip away and leave you playing catch the rest of the day. Stay within your scope, choose one simple plan that works for you, master it, and then add to it.

Before going, check out 7 Steps for Better Time Management.

 You now have your blueprint for a great start to the day. Let me know in the comments how you go about conquering the day.

Michelle Vine Walters

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